We all have many milestones in our lives. Birthdays and Anniversaries are some of the most fun to celebrate. Don’t know where to start? Let us handle it!! Every detail of your event will be designed, organized, and/or executed with care. Our goal is to allow you to truly immerse yourself in this experience, enjoying the beautiful environment, and love surrounding you. We strive to be affordable and are willing to work with any and all budgets.
Please see a brief description of the packages we offer. For more information or a more detailed list please contact us!
The Birthday Package
This package ranges from $200 – $600
In this package you get all the birthday fun without all the planning details. You tell us exactly what you envision for this event, and we will bring it to life. Whether it is for you, a friend or a family member, we will take of everything. You get to make all the decisions, but we do all the planning, setup/breakdown, and detail work.
The anniversary Package
This package ranges from $250 – $650
In this package you get all the anniversary fun without all the planning details. Anniversaries are definitely for celebrating. You tell us exactly what you envision for this event, and we will bring it to life. You get to make all the decisions, but we do all the planning, setup/breakdown, and detail work.
If you would like more information and a detailed pricing list and exactly what is included in each package, please contact us by clicking the link below. You can either fill out the contact form or schedule a phone call at your earliest convenience. We look forward to speaking with you soon!!